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来源:未知作者:快讯2019-08-19 18:10:17


A:When you are young, the natural lens acts like the zoom function in a camera, allowing you to focus up close, without the need for reading glasses or bifocals. As you age, the lens progressively becomes dysfunctional, resulting in loss of near vision (presbyopia) that requires the use of reading glasses or bifocals. With aging, the lens also progressively becomes hard, yellow, and cloudy (cataract). Cataracts block and scatter light, and they reduce visual quality, quantity, and color perception. This progressive loss of function of the natural lens inside the eye is referred to as Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome.


Q:Does the new lens zoom?


A:We use Trifocal lenses help you achieve distance and near vision after RLE surgery.


Presbyopia correcting: The lenses allow the patient to see distance and near/intermediate range in the same eye.


Q:When to consider Refractive Lens Exchange?


A:Your lenses continually age throughout life. This results in the need for reading glasses or bifocals in your 40′s and eventually cataract surgery in your 70s or 80s. Lens changes cause progressive deterioration in vision. More and more patients do not want to tolerate the years of progressive decline in their vision as they develop cataracts; they want it permanently fixed now. With the advancement in technology and the safety of the procedure, patients are now choosing to have their natural lenses replaced at an earlier age. After Refractive Lens Exchange at Euroeyes , cataract surgery will never be needed. The artificial lens will not age, which provides visual stability to the lens of the eye.

人本身的自然晶体一生都在不断衰老。这导致你需要在40岁左右的时候进行老花手术,在70岁或80岁的时候进行白内障手术。自然晶体的老化导致视力逐渐变差。而越来越多的患者不愿意容忍他们患白内障时每年逐渐下降的视力; 他们希望视力能够一直保持。随着技术的进步和手术的安全性的提高,患者现在可以选择在较早的年龄更换自然晶体。在德视佳进行屈光性晶状体置换后,将永远不再需要进行白内障手术。人造晶状体不会老化,这为眼睛的晶状体提供视觉的稳定性。

Q:Will my eye ever reject/react against the lens?


A:Intraocular lenses are made of a specialized acrylic material, which is inert inside the eye. Unlike other organic materials, glass, or metal, the eye will not react against the lens. This allows the lens to remain clear, avoiding the degradation and color change occurring in the natural lens with time.


Q:Will this procedure prevent conditions like macular degeneration?


A:No. Macular degeneration affects the retina in the back of the eye; whereas, like cataract surgery, Refractive Lens Exchange addresses the lens in the front of the eye. Patients should continue to schedule annual eye exams to check for naturally occurring eye problems such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal degeneration, or detachment.

不能,黄斑变性会影响眼睛后部的视网膜; 然而,与白内障手术一样,三焦点晶体置换处理眼睛前方的晶状体。患者应该继续安排年度眼科检查,以检查自然发生的眼部问题,如黄斑变性,青光眼,视网膜变性或脱离。

Q:Should I wait and have cataract surgery later on?


A:This is an individual choice only you can make. The loss of near vision and age-related vision changes are due to Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome, or DLS. These lens changes cause progressive deterioration in our vision and the progression is unpredictable and varies person to person. 

With the advancement in technology and the safety of the procedure, many patients are having their lenses replaced at earlier stages to avoid any further decline in vision as cataracts form or progress. When age-related vision changes begin to affect your quality of life, schedule an examination in a Euroeyes clinic.




Q:What are the restrictions post-surgery?


A:Patients are encouraged to relax immediately following surgery, but are free to resume normal activities as comfort allows. 

For the first week, you should avoid rubbing or bumping the eye as well avoid getting soap or water in your eyes while bathing or showering.

